Much of the "conservative" blogosphere and virtually all "conservative" radio talk show zealots are all talking about the nasty attack on the Yale a capella singing group The Baker's Dozen in San Francisco this past New Year's Eve.
This hits especially close to home for me because our radio station, WiZARD RADIO, plays the music of The Baker's Dozen and many of the other fine and talented college a capella groups. In fact, for the past three years WiZARD RADIO has done special March Madness programming each spring showcasing the nation's finest college a capella groups.
The reason for conservative outrage is that the group was taunted and then physically attacked after performing in sports coats and ties and singing The Star Spangled Banner.
That conservatives would jump to this conclusion isn't without merit. San Francisco has been the center of outrageous liberal behavior over the last several years. The city council and mayor, in particular, have set a tone that might seem to foster an anti-military, anti-conservative morality, and even "anti-preppy" atmosphere.
Whether it's forcing ROTC out of city schools or attempting to illegally sanction gay marriage, San Francisco is on the forefront of liberal values and causes. It might seem safe to assume that the mayor and city council actually reflect the views of the San Francisco population.
But the truth of this story is much darker and more sinister. This is much more likely to be an anti-gay hate crime.
Here's a portion of a report by San Francisco Chronicle columnists Matier and Ross, New Year's nightmare for visiting Yale singers
This hits especially close to home for me because our radio station, WiZARD RADIO, plays the music of The Baker's Dozen and many of the other fine and talented college a capella groups. In fact, for the past three years WiZARD RADIO has done special March Madness programming each spring showcasing the nation's finest college a capella groups.
The reason for conservative outrage is that the group was taunted and then physically attacked after performing in sports coats and ties and singing The Star Spangled Banner.
That conservatives would jump to this conclusion isn't without merit. San Francisco has been the center of outrageous liberal behavior over the last several years. The city council and mayor, in particular, have set a tone that might seem to foster an anti-military, anti-conservative morality, and even "anti-preppy" atmosphere.
Whether it's forcing ROTC out of city schools or attempting to illegally sanction gay marriage, San Francisco is on the forefront of liberal values and causes. It might seem safe to assume that the mayor and city council actually reflect the views of the San Francisco population.
But the truth of this story is much darker and more sinister. This is much more likely to be an anti-gay hate crime.
Here's a portion of a report by San Francisco Chronicle columnists Matier and Ross, New Year's nightmare for visiting Yale singers
The 16 singers showed up late to the party wearing preppy sport jackets and ties, and launched into "The Star-Spangled Banner." A couple of uninvited guests started mocking them, and allegedly the words "faggot" and "homo" were tossed -- and so were a couple of punches. The loud noise drew relatives from next door, who promptly ordered the house cleared. The Yale kids, most of whom were staying with a family a block away, began heading home. But witnesses said one of the uninvited guests -- who happens to be the son of a prominent Pacific Heights family -- pulled out his cell phone and said, "I'm 20 deep. My boys are coming." According to Rapagnani and others, the Yale kids barely made it around the corner when they were intercepted by a van full of young men. "They were surrounded, then tripped -- and when they were on the ground, they were kicked," Rapagnani said. According to police reports, the cops arrived about 12:40 a.m. to find 20 people fighting in the street. To the police, who were out in force to keep a lid on New Year's, it looked like just another drunken brawl. But according to Rapagnani, "This was not a fight -- it was an attack." Four of the alleged assailants were detained at the scene, then released after the cops took their names. Meanwhile, Sharyar Aziz Jr. was taken by paramedics to San Francisco General Hospital, and later had to undergo reconstructive surgery in New York for a broken jaw that will remain wired shut for eight weeks. Another unidentified Yale student sought treatment for a concussion, and a third for a swollen ankle and other abrasions. Yale Dean Peter Salovey told the school paper that he was "shocked and appalled" by the incident, which has yet to yield an arrest. |
Of course, I naturally assumed the attack on these boys was because they dared sing our National Anthem in the City by the Bay. Ah, but no.... it appears those tolerant folks in the Bluest of Blue America... went after the guys in a gay-bashing rage.... in San Francisco! *shocked* Great, just great.! I actually have to be in San Fran in less than two weeks for work. I guess I better not wear a tie, look cleaned up, or sing the National Anthem. Maybe I'll attend all of my business functions dressed as a homeless bum. Heck, I might get a San Fran taxpayer-funded stipend out of it! |
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