The Wizard is praising The Huffington Post?
O.K., O.K., I know it's impossible, but it's true. I have been a harsh critic of Arianna Huffington and her cadre of Hollywood Glitteratt for years. At times her corral of bloggers smell a lot more like a pigsty, wallowing in a mud hole of hate. A quick review of today's blog posts show that nothing much has changed.
But let's give Arianna and her news staff a great deal of credit and prise for their 24 hour a day reporting of the Iranian Election and subsequent protests. While our cable news networks slept and generally ignored this extremely important story, The Huffington Post was all over it.
Using every resource available to them from bloggers, to Twitter, to international news networks, including al-Jezeera, Huffington has continuously put together one compelling story after another.
A great deal of praise and credit goes to the legions of people worldwide who contribute daily or hourly to Twitter. The Twitterati have provided much needed information and solidarity and support for the people of Iran. Twitter has been so fascinating it is literally difficult to turn off at night. It is our window tot the world. Literally.
Which brings me right back to The Huffington Post. I've "tweeted" several times in the last 72 hours that Nico Pitney deserves and should win a Pulitzer Prize. In fact, if he doesn't win, they simply need to throw the prize away, because it will be meaningless. He writing and editing of video, stories and tweets has been nothing short of masterful. Using the methodology often referred to as "live blogging" he has chronicled the unfolding story in the way television should, but hasn't.
I believe we have actually learned the weakness of television. It is a singular medium, video only. Pitney can seamlessly combine video, written word, audio and still images to a maximum effect.
We can only hope and pray for a good and safe outcome for the people of Iran. But I am certain this is the event that changed the nature of news forever.
I do admit to having a disdain for the HuffPo's inability to present news without bias. As such I have not been privy to this coverage.
Huffpo has capitalized on making an information stream access point. So Kudo's to Nico Pitney.
As far as Iran, what we are seeing unfold is filling me with dreaded possibilities for these people.
Wow, your Left leaning and are critical of Ideas over Ideology?
Is MadMike the anti-wizard or something?
A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the
world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has
been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its
speaker a raving lunatic. – Dresden James
Welcome to The Metaverse, timjimmy26. You'll find that your ideas, comments and even criticism are always welcome here.
I hope you'll be a regular.
Also, if you're on Twitter, please follow me there. See the little Twitter box above and on the right.
I completely eschew and reject the linear/ partisan coverage that this site routinely engages in. If, however, you say that they've been doing a good job on this story, I believe you. You clearly come across as a straight-shooter.
And, I would like to praise this column of yours, Wizard. More rather than less. Happy Father's Day to you, Sir.
Well, I, of course, and this will come as no surprise, love The Huffington Post (caveat to follow) and also agree completely with The Wizard's wise observations in regard to their handling of the Iran crisis.
Finally, there are times when I think that some of HP's commentaries are just way too extreme Left. I don't like fanaticism on the Left or the Right.
Amen, Mike.
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