Regardless of where you live, you can make a statement this Sunday, September 17, 2006 about the genocide in Darfur. All you need to do is wear a blue hat.
Wear one to church. People will ask you why you're wearing blue. Let's face it, nobody wears hats anymore. Don't have a hat? A blue scarf will do.
You're going to get a few stares. Probably a few laughs. But people will notice and many will ask. And you can tell them about the genocide in Darfur. You can explain the blue hat or scarf symbolizes the need for U.N Peacekeepers in Darfur to stop the genocide. You can ask for help.
Thousands of people are still losing their lives...
Despite the signing of a Darfur peace agreement on May 5, 2006, the violence in western Sudan has not stopped; in fact, in some parts of Darfur, the violence has grown worse.
People are still being killed and raped and displaced - every single day.
Finally, on August 31st the United Nations Security Council approved deployment of the robust peace keeping force of 21,000 by a vote of 12 to 0. But the vote was a hollow victory because it depended upon "permission" from Sudan.
The United Nations must take action with or without Sudan's permission.
On September 17 people around the world will take part in the Global Day for Darfur to show world-wide support for the Darfuri people and to put pressure on our Governments to protect the civilians.
Actor George Clooney and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel appeared before the United Nations Security Council on Thursday to make an impassioned plea for immediate UN intervention in Sudan's Darfur region. On Friday, Mr. Clooney and Mr. Wiesel appeared on The Today Show where they discussed the situation in Darfur and the "Save Darfur Now: Voices to Stop Genocide" rally in New York City this Sunday. And there are rallies in other cities listed below.
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Darfur Rally
Northwest corner of 32nd St. and Camelback
September 17
4 p.m - 6 p.m.
email: jc_sahane@yahoo.com
Los Angeles, California
Benefit Concert: Rosario Dawson & Zync Music
The Avalon
1735 N. Vine
September 17th
8:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight
Tickets $40 & are tax deductible
Performances by Bitter Sweet, Bushwalla and More
Raffle & Giveaways
Proceeds go to The International Rescue Committee
Redding, California
Global Days for Darfur
Marv Steinberg, (530) 229-3661
Sunday, Sept. 17
Informational Booth
Simpson University, Cafeteria
All day
Interfaith worship
First United Methodist Church
2:00 p.m.
San Diego, California
Rally & Concert for Darfur
Courtyard of St Luke's Episcopal Church
3725 30th St
Sunday, September 17th
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
website: www.stopgenocidesd.org
Voices of Women
One of LOST BOYS of Sudan, a Sudanese community activist, and an IRC speaker and author
Mission Valley Library
2123 Fenton Parkway, San Diego, CA 92108
Monday, September 18
email: nfo@voicesofwomen.org
website: http://www.voicesofwomen.org
Boise, Idaho
Candle Light Vigil
Anne Frank memorial
Sunday September 17
8:00 -9:00 p.m.
email: srainey@mtnstatesgroup.org
Global Day for Darfur
The Bean, Millenium Park
Sunday, September 17
2:30 p.m.
Wear Blue Hat & bring a poster!
Fort Wayne
Global Day for Darfur Indiana Rally
Allen County Courthouse (downtown)
Sunday, September 17th
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Suliman Giddo, giddo@dpado.org or Kari Deselm kkdeselm@yahoo.com
Prayer Vigil for Darfur
North United Methodist Church
38th Street and Meridian
September 17
7:00 p.m.
Des Moines, Iowa
Global Day for Darfur Iowa Rally
State Capitol, West Mall
Sunday, September 17th
4:00 p.m.
Katy Flynn, desmoinesfordarfur@yahoo.com
Worcester, Massachusetts
Children In Darfur:
An Exhibition of Crayon Drawings with Opening Night Speakers
Worcester African Cultural Center
33 Canterbury Street
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
508-757-7727 or amoreno@african-museum.com
Las Vegas, Nevada
A Day for Darfur
September 30
MaryBeth Acac, marybeth.acac@gmail.com
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Rape: A Weapon of War
Sexual Violence Raging in Darfur
Sante Fe Rape Crisis & Trauma Treatment Center
6601 Valentine Way
Tuesday. September 26
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Jocelyn, 505-988-1951
Raleigh, North Carolina
Service of Prayer and a Call to Justice
Fuquay-Varina United Methodist Church
100 S. Judd Parkway
Debra Dean Murphy, 919-552-4331
September 17th
3:45 p.m.
Nashville, Tennessee
Showing of the documentary Darfur Diaries
The Belcourt Theatre
2102 Belcourt Ave.
Sunday, September 17th
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Kitty Calhoon, kcalhoon103@aol.com or call 615-297-6396
Arlington, Virginia
Yogathon for Darfur
9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 30
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
4444 Arlington Blvd.
Richmond, Virginia
River City Rocks - A Benefit for Darfur
10 bands, 10 comedians
12:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.
Brown's Island
To purchase tickets and for other inquiries, visit www.rivercityrocks.com
Seattle, Washington
Pray for Darfur: Take Action to Stop Genocide
Madrona Presbyterian Church (832 32nd Avenue)
Sunday, September 17
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Diane Baer, drbaer11@hotmail.com
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Silence is Not An Option"
1360 N. Prospect Ave.
Sunday, September 17
5:30-6:00 p.m.
But don't let the absence of an event in your area stop you from making your own personal statement. Wear a blue hat or blue head scarf on Sunday, September 17th.
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Day 105 24/7 DC VIGIL for DARFUR; Day 35 HUNGER STRIKE (54 days so far this summer, with breaks); ARRESTED Sept 9th at White House with 29 others from Africa Action; http://www.standwithdarfurwhitehouseii.blogspot.com
It is said that the mark of truly being “crazy” is expecting different results from doing the same thing over and over and…. Ok, we needed to try some new approaches, hoping we could find a new formula for mass social change (stopping Genocide has NEVER been done); looking for an approach that would be comfortable, convenient, safe, executed from our computer terminal / phone / TV or office in some combination. The variations we’ve tried are: * Blame (Bush, UN, EU…) , * Emails, letters, postcards…,* Letting the Nonprofits do it, * Divestment. And the results are in. WE ARE NOT, STOPPING THE GENOCIDE!
You mean that the answer for Darfur is the same answer we found for…* Ending the Vietnam War, * Gaining Civil Rights in the US, * Gaining Women the right to Vote in the US, * Ending apartheid in South Africa, * Throwing off the British oppression at our start....?
Yup. No one else, nothing else can stop it, can save 4,000,000 in Concentration Camps in Sudan and Chad. The buck stops with WE-THE-WORLD’S-PEOPLE. Let’s stop talking and start - marching, demonstrating, sitting-in, hunger striking….
The next step is September 17th (SaveDarfur.org; DayForDarfur.org). BUT, then we need to be ready on SEPTEMBER 18th, 19th… AS LONG AS IT TAKES, WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Jay McGinley, jymcginley@cs.com
I'm curious enouigh to ask:
Other than prayer, are you appealing to America's moral leadership or her military might in your generously motivated effort to prevent further genocide in Darfur?
Both have been severely compromised in Iraq and Lebanon.
"...are you appealing to America's moral leadership or her military might..."
Both. And, diminished as they might be, President Bush has promised and used both in the US efforts in approaching the Darfur genocide.
The president, with the prodding of Colin Powell (a real leader in this matter), has declared Darfur to be a genocide. No sitting president has ever used the "G" word before.
Bush has promised military and logistical and financial support for the Darfur peacekeeping force (if it is ever deployed).
I've been in regular contact with several members of Congress (both Senators and Congresspersons) and have corresponded with President Bush.
The United States is taking this seriously.
If you're implying the US would have more moral and international clout if we hadn't invaded Iraq, you are quite correct.
"George Bush has promised...."?
Omigod, Wizard. Do you realize what you just said? And you're trying to reassure me?
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