Sunday, May 06, 2007

Our List of Heros Grows

Congressional Supporters of HR 2060

'To nullify the March 2, 2007, determination of the Copyright Royalty Judges with respect to webcasting, to modify the basis for making such a determination, and for other purposes. '

Image Hosted by Shades of Grey Radio
11 Republicans
32 Democrats
Arcuri, Michael (D-NY 24th)
Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI 2nd)
Bartlett, Roscoe (R-MD 6th)
Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR 3rd)
Boucher, Rick (D-VA 9th)
Brown, Corrine (D-FL 3rd)
Buchanan, Vern (R-FL 13th)
Capuano, Michael (D-MA 8th)
Cohen, Stephen (D-TN 9th)
Courtney, Joseph (D-CT 2nd)
Cubin, Barbara (R-WY At-Large)
Davis, Susan (D-CA 53rd)
DeFazio, Peter (D-OR 4th)
Ellison, Keith (D-MN 5th)
Ellsworth, Brad (D-IN 8th)
Farr, Sam (D-CA 17th)
Filner, Bob (D-CA 51st)
Fortuno, Luis (R-PR At-Large)
Foxx, Virginia (R-NC 5th)
Grijalva, Raul (D-AZ 7th)
Gutierrez, Luis (D-IL 4th)
Higgins, Brian (D-NY 27th)
Hill, Baron (D-IN 9th)
Hinchey, Maurice (D-NY 22nd)
Honda, Michael (D-CA 15th)
Inslee, Jay (D-WA 1st)
Jackson, Jesse (D-IL 2nd)
Kildee, Dale (D-MI 5th)
Kirk, Mark (R-IL 10th)
Lewis, John (D-GA 5th)
Manzullo, Donald (R-IL 16th)
McDermott, Jim (D-WA 7th)
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R-WA 5th)
Michaud, Michael (D-ME 2nd)
Moran, James (D-VA 8th)
Paul, Ron (R-TX 14th)
Price, David (D-NC 4th)
Reichert, Dave (R-WA 8th)
Ryan, Tim (D-OH 17th)
Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH 1st)
Spratt, John (D-SC 5th)
Terry, Lee (R-NE 2nd)
Woolsey, Lynn (D-CA 6th)

Click the image above or right here for more information. Links there will include ways to request your Congressperson co-sponsor this legislation.

Click the following link for the full backstory of all previous WIZARD, fkap articles on the fight to Save Internet Radio.




1 comment:

Vigilante said...

Very creative, Wiz! But I came here hoping you were blogging about this!