Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Looming Energy Crisis
The video report below is fascinating. In addition to T. Boone Picken's testimony before Congress, it contains many facts on oil production that might come as a complete surprise to most Americans.
All these things are just more facts to consider while Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi continue to block every single move to begin even the smallest effort to reduce or energy dependency.
Republicans have offered more compromise than on any issue... perhaps ever. Republicans are fully endorsing T. Boone Pickens comprehensive approach to energy alternatives and logical oil drilling.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Blind Prejudice
And while racial prejudice and sexual discrimination (and the objectification of women in our society, hat tip to the ikonoclast) continue to fester and infect our society, the "Derangement Syndromes" surrounding political philosophies and our supposed opponents and members of opposing political movements has reached a boiling point.

The shooter, Jim D. Adkisson, left a letter in his car with the reason for his rampage. Adkisson "stated hatred of the liberal movement."
Thankfully Adkisson himself was not killed in the rampage and didn't have the chance to commit suicide. One report stated he had 76 shotgun shells and planned to use them all. He was wrestled to the ground by church members. He is now being held by the Knoxville police.
Among the many sins of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church were it's sponsorship of the American Civil Liberties Union and its support of women's rights and gay rights. They had recently put out a sign welcoming gays to the congregation.
These people were shot for the very beliefs I hold and practice every day.
As a society we must learn to respect each others views, religions and politics or we will find ourselves mired in internal fighting like the ongoing conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, or past sectarian battle in Ireland.
Love is the spirit of this church and service is its law. |
If only everyone could live by this simple and non-sectarian creed. Please send your prayers and thoughts to the friends and members of the Knoxville community touched by this tragedy. This tragedy touches everyone.
Here is a link to the website of The Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Nancy Pelosi's War on America

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What Obama Can Teach Jesus
O.K., I know I'm going to get crucified for this (pun fully intended) by my friends and readers on both the left and the right. But only Greg Gutfeld can manage to offend Christians, conservatives, liberals and Obamamaniacs in the same two minutes.
This is easily the funniest thing I've seen so far in this otherwise nearly humorless Presidential campaign season.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Future For Iraq by Senator John McCain
America Deserves So Much Better Than The New York Times
I know that Barack Obama WILL become our next President. I believe and hope he will be an exemplary Chief Executive. Obama may very well be the change that America needs.
But do we actually have to dispense with the election itself? Are we to be force fed a coronation of one candidate? It seems the New York Times thinks so.
Today's decision to "reject" the editorial submitted John McCain to The Times just one week after they accepted and printed a remarkably similar editorial from Obama reflects the worst of media elitism and free press hypocrisy. A full report by ABC News is available here: McCain OpEd Not Up to NY Times' Snuff
That the Times Opinion Editor David Shipley rejected the McCain piece on content grounds is astonishing. And his dismissive attitude is simply stunning.
Shipley admonished McCain, "It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama's piece. I'm not going to be able to accept this piece as currently written."
Shipley then advised McCain to try again: "I'd be pleased, though, to look at another draft."
A key ingredient demanded by Shipley iin McCain'srevision is a "Republican timetable for withdrawal."
Of course the fact is that Shipley is a two bit paritsan hack. Shipley is a partisan Democrat who has no business working for the Times in the first place, let alone in a position of editorial power. Shipley's partisan stripes were well earned. He served the Clinton Administration from 1995 until 1997 as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Presidential Speechwriter.
A better man than Shipley could overcome his prejudice. But it would have to be a better man than Shipley.
Later tonight I will be printing the editorial that the Times rejected, exactly as prepared and written by Senator McCain.
POSTSCRIPT: American's are remarkably fair minded people. This latest Times stunt and the media's fawning is obviously backfiring. Obama's lead in national polls has dropped to a single point. I genuinely believe that if the press treated McCain fairly, Obama would be leading by ten points.
Rasmussen reports, "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Barack Obama attracting 42% of the vote while John McCain earns 41%. That’s the lowest level of support measured for Obama since he clinched the Democratic Presidential nomination on June 3."
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Tale of Three Presidents
I urged President Bush to accept Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki's plan for a phased withdrawal (or timetable, if you prefer). Now, I have to admit that it's unlikely President Bush ever read my blog, but yesterday he did agree to a Time Horizon on Troop Cuts. The Associated Press Reports:
- President Bush and Iraq's prime minister have agreed to set a "general time horizon" for bringing more U.S. troops home from the war, a dramatic shift from the administration's once-ironclad unwillingness to talk about any kind of deadline or timetable.

It is ironic that the success about to be enjoyed by American President Bush, Iraqi President al-Maliki and future President Obama is all due to John McCain's military strategy, the one man who will never occupy the office of President.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Nancy Pelosi, You Know You're in Trouble When Ann Coulter is 100% Right

Coulter's entire column can be read here: THIS IS NOT A DRILL Key excerpts are below.
Oh, and Nancy, the part about you being "the worst speaker in the history of Congress," that part is right, too.
- Announcing the Democrats' bold new "plan" on energy last week, Pelosi said breaking into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve "is one alternative." That's not an energy plan. It's using what we already have -- much like "conservation," which is also part of the Democrats' plan.
Conservation, efficiency and using oil we hold in reserve for emergencies does not get us more energy. It's as if we were running out of food and the Democrats were telling us: "Just eat a little less every day." Great! We'll die a little more slowly. That's not what we call a "plan." We need more energy, not a plan for a slower death.
But there's more! Pelosi announced that the Democrats also plan to push for "an historic investment in biofuels, efficiency, conservation and the rest." The "rest" is apparently what she called our "important and essential" investment in alternative energy.
That certainly would be historic: We would make history by throwing our money away on unproven energy boondoggles that have eaten up untold billions since the 1960s without producing a single net kilowatt of power while we all starve to death.
That's the Democrats' plan to run cars on biofuels, solar and wind power: Then a miracle happens. The current Democratic mantra on energy is: "We can't drill our way out of this problem." Apparently their plan is to talk our way out of this problem.
Democrats are also alleging that the oil companies are sitting on millions of acres of oil but are refusing to drill -- presumably because oil company executives hate the American people and perversely don't want to make money. Manifestly, those acres are being explored for oil or have already come up dry.
If the Democrats really wanted oil companies to find more oil, they'd allow oil companies to drill offshore and to drill in ANWR, which we happen to know is bursting with oil.
So, while the Russians have claimed the entire North Pole for oil exploration and the Chinese are perfecting deep water exploration just outside the United States waters, Nancy Pelosi wants us to raid our meager oil reserves to pretend she really cares about, you know, the little people.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
John McCain, You Missed It by Thaaaaat Much

Hello John? Anybody home?
It's the energy inflated economy stupid!!
Now I need to digress for just a moment to give John McCain the credit he so rightfully deserves. He showed courage and grace today in addressing the NAACP convention. By all accounts he acquitted himself very well. He was gracious, warm and genuine, even while knowing he is unlikely to pick up a single vote from the group's members.
But Ken Blackwell, the African American Republican, pointed out in the elephant in the room, if you'll pardon the pun. McCain failed to address the number one, most important topic on the minds of every American, including every African American. Raging gasoline prices are destroying everything lower income Americans have been working to achieve. People cannot drive to work. They cannot afford groceries or clothing. This a real and personal crisis.
You can listen to Blackwell's obvious advice to McCain on NPR: Black Republican Has Message For McCain If only McCain will tune in and listen.
But John, if you and your handlers and advisers are way to busy to listen to one of the few black Republicans, why not just read today's New York Times: More Poll Findings: The Economy Trumps the War, by Far
And here's the worst part of this political disaster. McCain has a genuine advantage. Barack Obama is an empty suit when it comes to the energy crisis. The man's got nothing. No plan and few ideas. He is clueless and vulnerable. Energy is his Achilles heel. At least it is today.
But Barack is smart. He will read the New York Times. And his advisers are listening to NPR. And while McCain will call his new plan a "flip-flop on energy," he'll regain the advantage.
When and if Barack Obama finally realizes that vague (and 15 billion dollars worth of stupid) corporate welfare plans for imaginary alternative energy ideas will not solve this crisis, he'll create a new plan and earn every one's respect.
America must be 100% energy independent by 2016. McCain has the plan, but no voice or message. Obama could inspire a nation, but he has no plan.
Will somebody please wake up and smell the gasoline.
It's dark in here... and smells kinda funny, too...

While McCain does have a good plan and has articulated strong goals for energy self sufficiency, Obama has virtually nothing on his plate what-so-ever beyond mind numbingly silly alternative energy subsidies.
But McCain, who should be driving home his plan and the urgency of the crisis, is lost in the war zone of Iraq gotcha quotes.
Polls released today show that the economy is the most important issue according to 53% of the public, while concern about Iraq is down to a near term low of just 16%.
If any of you, dear readers, haven't figured out what will happen in Iraq and Afghanistan, let me illuminate you. We will withdraw many troops from Iraq and add troops to Afghanistan, regardless of who is elected President.
The real question needs to be will the United States emerge from the world wide energy crisis as a world leader or an aging, empty shell of a country.
We are importing 70% of our energy needs. 70%. And Democrats have STUPIDLY stopped 100% of all legislation that might produce domestic energy sources and avert this disaster.
The only proposal from the Democrats is to raid the Strategic Oil Reserve, a move all experts agree would have no impact on either supply or prices, but would seriously weaken the United States faced with a real supply disaster.
Why Obama, who has proven himself both nimble and bright on a dozen other issues, has allowed himself to be painted into a "let's do nothing to help today" mentality is puzzling. He has deftly moved to more reasonable and even pro-active positions on other issues.
We want Barack to be a John Kennedy style leader - visionary and brave, inspiring us to become a greater nation. He should rise to the occasion before him and develop a plan to move the United States to 100% ENERGY SUFFICIENCY by the end of his (second) term.
I'd like to issue a similar challenge to McCain, but, while he actually has a plan, I don't think he can focus on the issue, let alone inspire a nation.
So here we have our leaders with their heads in the sand.... or perhaps up their ..... while America slips into an energy driven recession.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
President Bush: Accept the Victory You've Earned and Deserve

As a society we generally condemn racial prejudice and occasionally condemn religious prejudice. Liberals, like myself, are quite quick to condemn prejudice based on sexual orientation. Why do so many in any society insist upon the stereotyping of people who are perceived as different?
Often such prejudice is just plain laughable. Or it's just plain stupid. It's generally always based on ideas or assumptions that is simply wrong. Blacks are not lazy. Hispanics are not thieves. Muslims are not terrorists. Gays can be good parents.
I'd like to think we all recognize prejudice.

I've got news for you. Conservatives DO NOT HATE the environment. LIBERALS DO NOT HATE America. Conservatives DO NOT HATE minorities. Liberals DO NOT HATE the military.
If you think I'm wrong you are just not getting out enough. You are not reading the blogs of those who differ from you politically and making a genuine effort to communicate (not lecture or call names).
I have a list of 26 blogs I try to read at least once weekly. Three are decidedly non political. Eight concentrate on International events or regional issues (Darfur, Iraq, Iran, Burma, etc). The remaining fifteen are political.
Of those 15, eight (8) are liberal and range form the very large (Daily Kos and Huffington) to the small and thoughtful (The Vigil and Liberal Values).
One is a rather middle of the road blog. That leaves six (6) that are conservative, again from the large (Pajamas Media and Little Green Footballs) to the very small (the unbelievably prolific Freedom Eden, I swear the woman writes 24 hours a day).
The comments attached to these blogs are nearly identical. I mean scarily word for word identical. Every damned day. Just remove the key words "liberals," "conservatives," "democrats, or "republicans" and the comments can simply be picked up and moved from the blogs on the left over to the blogs on the right. All spew blind and blanket prejudice. All are laced with vitriolic hatred. Many actually wish death upon their political opposites.
Michelle Malkin, who I always read and frequently quote in this blog, has pointed out the incredibly hypocrisy of and obvious prejudice of liberal economist Robert Reich. Her article today, The left-wing bullies in Robert Reich’s backyard, is really worth a read.
But even after Malkin gets it so spot-on right, a few of her own readers quickly revert to the same exact name calling and hate speech and class prejudice she has just condemned
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July

A rather large number of liberal newspaper columnists and progressive bloggers have written essays in the last few days that seem to echo Rev. Jeremiah Wight's sentiment of "God Damn America." Naturally these writers are being harshly criticized by conservative columnists and bloggers on the right.
Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Chrios Satullo's A Not So Glorious Fourth has generated the greatest amount of criticism from right wing talk show hosts and conservative bloggers. But conservative Chuck Norton has located and reprinted a large number of such America bashing screeds, and has sharply criticized each one.
Let me begin by saying that I personally and strongly disagree with the progressive and liberal negativists who write so harshly about America.
But I'm not going to criticize them at all. In fact I'm going to praise them, even as I take the polar opposite view of American and her greatness.
These very strong critics of America and her current leaders are helping America improve. They are the watchdogs who protect our ideals, our Constitution and our moral compass.
They may see the glass as half empty (or nearly empty or flat out bone dry) while I see the glass as brimming over with goodness and honor, it is their constant demand that we improve and protect the weak that has made America the great nation it is today.
It is the social critics who, over the last 200 years, freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote and brought a measure of social justice to oppressed racial, religious and sexual minorities.
Those who loudly and self righteously cry "God Damn America" are those who force the rest of us to re-examine our actions, our positions and our values.
Do today's critics suffer from "Bush Derangement Syndrome?" Yes, beyond a doubt, they do. They certainly lack perspective and a broad view of the world. They do not understand history, nor do they have any sense of moral relativism.
But they force us all to be better, to move forward, to reach out to those we might otherwise ignore, or worse yet, actually hate. The demand we actually protect the rights we celebrate today.
In reality, the "God Damn America" critics are great patriots. And they have helped make America the Greatest Country in all of History.
So I say God Bless America and bless her critics most of all.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Barack Obama's Brilliant and Brave Faith Based Initiative

It's really a shame that Clark dominated the news cycle because Barack Obama made one of the best and most brilliant initiatives of his young campaign and it received almost no press coverage.
In what I think is a stunningly brilliant move, Obama announced that he intends to continue and to expand President Bush's Faith Based Initiative. Obama wants to enlarge the controversial program that steers government money to religious groups to aid in providing social services, especially to lower income groups.
Working with a former Bush administration director of Faith Based Programs, David Kuo, Obama has designed a program that enhances the original program and should delight Evangelicals. Kuo has been critical of President Bush for failing to expand and more fully fund the program.
Evangelical Christians have been slow to warm to Republican John McCain. This initiative should peel off McCain supporters and bring them to Obama.
This program also has had the very strong support of the black community, rare for a Republican initiative. Obama said he has long be a supporter of such programs.
In addition, by embracing the Faith Based Initiative, Obama proves his campaign pledge to work across the aisle in a bipartisan manner.
In summary, this is a triple win for Obama, gaining support from Christian conservatives, further cementing his support in the black community and winning the respect of independents who are looking for an end to Washington gridlock.
Bravo, Senator Obama!