And there is one thing we know for certain, Michael Hastings, writing for Rolling Stone Magazine, already knows all the answers. And if you don't believe me, just ask him. He'll quickly set you straight.
It's really just a damned shame that Mr Hastings isn't President of the United States of America. He knows exactly what needs to happen in Afghanistan. He knows what the military needs to do and what our strategy ought to be.

Hastings knows all too well his job isn't done. In his follow-up article today he makes it clear that McChrystal's successor, General David Petraeus won't fall as easily as McCrystal did. But Hastings also makes it clear in his ego driven Rolling Stone follow-up, that he is up to the job and his work won't be finished until his personal vision for Afghanistan is in place.
Hastings writes today, "Changing generals isn't likely to resolve the real trouble in Afghanistan: the fundamental flaws in the U.S. strategy of counterinsurgency."
Now we all know that it was General McChrystal's own off the cuff, unwise and sarcastic comments actually caused his demise. Michael Hastings was just the all too willing messenger. Hastings just asked all the questions. And he complied the answers he wanted.
Frankly I believe Hastings knew the most important answer before he started his interviews. That answer is the subtitle of his Rolling Stone essay:
Stanley McChrystal, Obama's top commander in Afghanistan, has seized control of the war by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House
I'm willing to wager any amount of money Hastings knew his article would manipulate those "wimps in the White House" to fire McChrystal.
I genuinely believe President Obama had to accept General McChrystal's resignation. And Obama did the right thing in promoting Petraeus.
But it is Michael Hastings that knows all the answers. It's a shame we can't make him a general.
Hmmm, MadMike. Posting a comment works for me.....
What was McChrystal thinking by allowing a reporter from fricking Rolling Stone to talk to him and his staff? This reflects poorly on the general and his staff, that they were so undisciplined as to speak candidly and openly in such a critical manner.
And to Rolling Stone? I last read one of those in the 80s. How relevant are they?
I was going to fully agree with you Wiz, then the Gucci Bamboo bag had me rethink my position...
For once I agree with Lee. Gucci 2010 S/S handbags is the truest element I take away from this thread.
Wizard, I have taken some pains to read the entire Hastings article. It's not a hatchet job on Stanley McChrystal. It's a truth job on his war. That's all.
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