There are really important things to write about. General Wesley Clark simply isn't one of them.
I have so little respect for Wesley Clark, I will simply refer my readers to the most right wing commentator I know, Michelle Malkin. Read her short essay, Confirmed: Wesley Clark is an idiot
Fortunately Clark's stupidity won't hurt Barack Obama....... unless it's part of a larger strategy within the Obama campaign.
This is a cheap shot. A really cheap shot, Wizard. To paraphrase your own words,
I have so little respect for Michelle Malkin, and because there are so many really important people to read, (and Malkin simply isn't one of them)
that I will not click on your link this morning.
Touche' Vigilante... Your rapier is sharp today.
It was a cheap shot, just not nearly as cheap as Clark's.
And I'm angry at Clark, in large part, because, as a top Obama advisor, Clark's really stupid performance reflected back on Barack.
And, indeed, today's cable news reports are backfiring on Clark and Obama. Clarks effort to bring McCain down failed miserably.
Obama can and should win this election handily, IF his surrogates and handlers don't blow it.
As Malkin said, "If Gen. Wesley Clark had vice presidential aspirations, they went out the window yesterday when he opened his mouth...."
Coming from Malkin, that's what I call an endorsement. Without parallel.
You'll note that Obama distanced himself from Clark's comments and then later in the day outright rejected them.
In today's popular phrasing, he threw Clark under the bus. However, that is exactly where Clark belongs. You can bet that, internally, the campaign was seething over Clark's stupidity.
Michelle Malkin? Oh, yes, there's a credible source. Are you serious, Wizard?
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