Warren Buffett has described the current economic crisis as "Pearl Harbor." Virtually everyone on earth knows Buffett is correct. The crisis facing our government and our society is the greatest since World War II. It eclipses anything President Bush or President Clinton or Any President since FDR ever faced, including 9-11.
To meet the greatest challenge of our lifetime, Barack Obama has assembled a team of one single solitary person, Timothy Geithner. And Obama has given him zero support, zero help and placed absolutely no priority on building Geithner's team.
While Barack Obama does the only thing his vast experience as a community organizer has trained him to do, organize block parties in California to support his yet to be defined Health Reform Proposals, Geithner is fighting for all our lives, completely alone.
By every account I've ever read or heard, Geithner is a very bright and very able Treasury Secretary. But it's been 59 days in the midst of Pearl Harbor and Obama can't find the time to put together a team. He can't find the time to nominate a single person. Not one.
The bombs, like the AIG bonuses, are dropping by the tens of thousands. Our entire harbor of economic ships are sinking. The enemy planes own the sky's and bombs drop at will. And no reinforcements are on the way. No troops. No anti-aircraft batteries. No aerial support. Nothing. Geithner is fighting all alone.
The best Obama can do is send an "attaboy Tim" as he organizes those block parties and prepares for a yuk-a-minute comedy fest on Jay Leno.
As bloggers, especially Republican and conservative bloggers, call for Geithner's head, their anger is aimed at the wrong person. It is Barack Obama who should resign.
If any other President had ever handled a major crisis with the complete disregard for the welfare of the country that Obama has exhibited over the last 59 days, their would be calls for his (or her) head.
When the hell will Obama realize he has become the problem and is doing a whole lot less than nothing to solve the problem? Every day Timothy Geithner goes without the administration nominating his support staff is a battle lost in our greatest war ever. And if we lose the top man because Obama was just too damned distracted to be bothered to help his Treasury Secretary, Obama will get and will deserve all the blame.
Conservative Rick Moran has written a very intelligent
defense of the Obama Administration's handling of the AIG crisis. Moran makes some of the same points that I do, but draws some different conclusions. It is well worth reading.
I will be writing more about
HR1586, the populist Bonus Tax Act passed today by the House of Representatives, in the next few days. This is a really terrible bill that flies in the face of the rule of law that is the cornerstone of all of American society. Plus it's just plain stupid. Let's hope everyone calms down in the next few days. It is the
Obama CYA Act of 2009.
Finally today
Day By Day cartoon is really funny. I'm reprinting it here: