But I criticize Rick for being long winded and then turn around and do the same thing here.
Charles Johnson, over at Little Green Footballs, is amazing in his ability to cover topics often in just a dozen words. He never takes 400 words. Entries are brief, frequent and always interesting.
But Twitter take the short entry to an art form. Limited to just 140 characters, including any links you wish to post, brevity is the sole of everything. The twitter greats like Jesse Newhart @JesseNewhart have thousands of followers (27,363 as of 9 am this morning) who read his every word, because everything Jesse says is important.

The concepts and philosophy of this blog will not change. The Wizard, fkap is actually one of the oldest blogs on the Internet, started years before the term blogger ever existed. The first entry was dated August 11, 1995! And everything I've ever written remains on line to this day for your exploration, review, or source of a few laughs at my expense. It's all linked on the right.
The original blog title, back in 1995, was The Existential Blues. I'll give a huge prize package of Wizard Radio gear to anyone who can give me the source or inspiration for that title.
I'm betting no one can possibly figure it out. So I'll give you a huge hint. Here is the original tag line used at the end of every single blog post: "I'd rather have this bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
Just post your answer in the comments section of send me a twitter @wizardfkap
Tom T-Bone Steakus, was brought to fame by Doctor Demento with his rambling random parody of the wizard of Oz.
Like the new name. (Is this really Butte Montana?)
And we have a winner!! Lee, email me your physical address so I can send you your prizes! wiz@wizardfkap.com
I rather drink from the bottle in front of me than to Twitter in front of twits.
Ah, transitions, transitions, transitions. I have read a grip of words from some favorite bloggers this weekend about making changes or giving up blogs altogether. I may try a 3rd Way, which is to maintain two blogs, as described here. Seems the better way to go.
LOL Wizard!
Did you send out my winnings?
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