Monday, April 23, 2012

The Children are our Future

I know this has already gone VIRAL and therefore you've already seen it.  Let's face it, when MSN Trending Now posts it you're too late.

But I'm so impressed with Frans Hofmeester's work here (and his beautiful daughter), that I felt I had to post it.  I hope you'll watch it again.  Turn the volume up, too.  The background music is beautiful.


As I watched it here I realized that, without saying a single word, it is a stunning political statement. And the beauty of this video is that it make a compelling statement for most any cause, left or right.

Of course we need to save the planet for our children.  And every child deserve love, food, family and warmth.

And who could watch this video and not see it make a strong "pro-life" statement, as well.

I don't want to hijack Frans Hofmeester's video or his daughter.  It possesses many universal truths.  

The children are our future.

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